Página de Guillaume Hoffmann

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% Graphs

  1. Implement the graph building program of section 7.3, modifying it so that:
    • its output be in the same format as its input (then it is possible for the program to read again its output).
    • the structure GVertex do not have the fields discover, finish and inDegree (all the other ones are going to be useful).
  2. Modify the previous program by adding an implementation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm from section 7.9, and letting the user specify the source vertex. The implementation using at least one improvement of the algorithm described on its Wikipedia page.

  3. Consider the following undirected graph:

    • Give the depth-first and breadth-first traversals starting at A (process edges in alphabetical order; give the intermediate states of the queue in the case of breadth-first)
    • Starting at C, derive the minimal-cost paths using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
    • Derive and draw the minimum spanning tree obtained using Kruskai’s algorithm.
      • Can you think of a simple optimization for Kruskai’s algorithm?
  4. Read section 7.10.1 (Prim’s Algorithm).
    • What is the difference between an iteration of Prim’s algorithm and an iteration of Dijsktra’s algorithm?
    • In the previous graph, starting at C, derive the minimal-cost paths using Prim’s algorithm.